Getting Business Content and Samples from the Content Network

The Content Network can help you get SAP Business Content, 3rd Party Business Content, and Samples.

Who does this apply to?

  • Users with Read and Maintain permissions for Lifecycle.
  • Admin and BI Admin standard application roles.

Use of the sample content and business content is optional. You can browse the content and choose packages to add to your system from within the application. You can find more information about business content in the Content Package User Guide.

When you import a package from the Content Network, you become the owner of it. However, you must have read permissions on the relevant object types to access the package content.

The Overview page of a content package

From the Import Options tab, you can choose a sub folder within the Public folder, where you want to import the package contents. If you're trying to import a package that has already been imported earlier, you cannot change the import location.


The Import Location column displays the location where new content will be imported to or the location where already imported content resides.

The Import To page of a content package

Video: How to Get Business Content from the Content Network

Downloading Content from the Content Network


  1. Select Start of the navigation path (Main Menu) Next navigation step  Content NetworkEnd of the navigation path.
  2. Choose the type of content that you want to add:
    1. Samples: Get a collection of technical samples for stories and SAP Digital Boardroom presentations as well as templates to easily create your own layouts.
    2. Business Content: >Get industry and line of business content created by SAP, including models, stories, SAP Digital Boardroom presentations, analytic applications, and smart predict scenarios.
    3. 3rd Party Content: Get end-to-end business scenarios for various industries and lines of business, created by SAP partners. This content can include models, stories, and SAP Digital Boardroom presentations, and it comes ready to run with sample data or live data connections. Some third-party content is paid content. You can open these packages in the Content Network to see the content description and a link to the SAP App Center to purchase the content. These links will lead you outside SAP Analytics Cloud.

      Select the tile to see a list of available packages. You can filter the list of pre-defined packages based on Industries and Lines of Business. Any package that you have already imported to your system shows a check mark in the Imported column.

  3. Select the package that you want to add to your system.

    An overview of the content appears. To get a quick summary of the import settings and whether any existing content on your system will be overwritten, take a look at the Import Overview table.

  4. If necessary, select the Terms and Conditions checkbox at the bottom of the Overview tab.
  5. If you need to change any of the settings, select the Import Options tab.
  6. Under Import Schedule, select one of the following options to specify what happens when the package is updated in the content network:
    • None: No updates are made on your system. This option is automatically selected for packages that cannot be updated in the content network.
    • Notify for new content: You receive a notification and can choose whether to import the new version of the package to your system.
    • Automatically update new content: The updated package is automatically imported to your system.
  7. Select an option for the Overwrite Preferences.
    If an object selected for import does not exist on your system, the object will be created and its data will be imported. For objects that already exist in your system, the Overwrite Preferences determine whether to update the object and its data.
    If objects or data on your system will be overwritten by the import, a warning appears in the import window, and next to the relevant objects in the Content list. If you have made changes or enhancements to your sample content, follow the instructions in the Post-requisites section to avoid losing your work.
    • Don’t overwrite objects or data:

      This setting prevents any existing objects in your system from being overwritten or updated with new data. You are notified if any of the objects selected for import already exist in your system.

      For example, you can choose this setting if you have replaced the data in an imported model with your own data, and want to avoid overwriting this data.

    • Overwrite data only:

      If you have made changes to the structure of an imported model and want to avoid losing those changes, choose this setting.

      Data is imported into each object, but the objects themselves are not updated.

      The Privacy and Data Access Control settings for models, as well as the permission settings for users and roles, remain unchanged.

    • Overwrite objects and data:

      Objects on your system can be overwritten and their data can be updated.

      For example, you may choose this option if you are not using any of the content for business tasks.

      Select Including permissions to update the Privacy and Data Access Control settings for models and dimensions. The corresponding permissions assigned to each role are also updated.

  8. In the Content list, choose which objects to import, and whether to include the data for each imported dimension and model.

    You can select and deselect individual objects, or types of objects (for example, Models or Stories).

    The Impacted Content column shows warnings for objects that will overwrite content on your system.

  9. In the Import To field, navigate to the folder within the Public folder, where you want to import the package contents.

    You can switch on the Override Folder Import Location toggle if you want to choose the import location of individual folders within the Public folder. You cannot modify the location of individual objects, such as stories or models present directly in the Public folder. For example, if you have imported some content into My Files/Public/Folder A, you can modify the location of individual folders in the package to Folder B and not any objects present in the root location.

  10. Select Import.

    The import process begins. You receive a notification when the process is complete, or if an error occurs.

    If you selected Don’t overwrite objects or data or Overwrite data only, a notification will let you know if any of the content wasn’t imported to avoid overwriting existing content.

    To view the log of updates and imports for a package, select the package in the content network and choose (History).

Next Steps

Because imported content in your system can be deleted and replaced if the package is imported again with certain Overwrite Preferences, you’ll want to consider how to maintain the content. This is particularly important if you’re using business content in a production system. See Maintaining Business Content for details.