Downloading and Uploading Files with the Content Network

You can download Analytics Content Network packages to a local file, and also upload those local packages to the Content Network storage.

To download or upload a package, the below points need to be taken into consideration:


Any downloaded package has a validity of one year. You have to re-download the package from source if it has expired.

  • The system toggle for Allow Download and Upload of Content Network packages is set to ON by default. Only the administrator can enable or disable the toggle.

  • You can perform download or upload only if you have Share permissions in the Lifecycle section..
  • The download or upload is available only to Private (My Content) packages.
  • Only one package can be downloaded at a time. Folders or multiple packages cannot be downloaded.
  • The package that is downloaded has a .package extension which is encrypted by default.
  • During upload, only encrypted .package files are uploaded.
  • When uploading a package, if the package version is greater than the SAP Analytics Cloud version, then the upload fails. Uploading a package succeeds only when the package version is less than or equal to the SAP Analytics Cloud version.
  • The packages that are pending for download are automatically downloaded when you sign in within 14 days. You have to initiate the download again after 14 days.