Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions when working with the SAP Analytics Cloud calendar.

What prerequisites need to be met before I can activate a calendar event?

Basically, all mandatory settings need to be filled in. Missing settings are highlighted in the Details panel, and warnings inform you what's missing.

In general, it depends on the calendar event type:

Calendar Event Type Prerequisites
General task
  • Needs at least one assignee.

Review task
  • Needs at least one assignee.


    In composite tasks, that include the review step, people who review the work result are called reviewers. In review tasks, the reviewers are assignees of the review task.

Composite task
  • Needs at least one assignee.

  • Needs different users as assignees and reviewers. You can't add the same person as assignee and reviewer.

Data locking task
  • Manual data locking tasks need at least one assignee and a context defined.

  • Needs either at least one assignee, or valid child events

Only calendar events that meet the necessary prerequisites are considered to be valid, thus they can be activated.

If you've selected Dependency as start condition of your event, you can only activate it when there's at least one valid dependency event. If all of them have been removed, for example, you need to add other events as dependency events before you can activate your event.

If you've selected Parent Process as start condition of your event, you can only activate it when the parent process is valid.

When you activate a parent process, only child events that are valid can be activated and can receive the transferred roles of the process.


To activate a series, at least one of the individual occurrences needs to be inactive and valid.

Why is my process not listed as possible parent process?

Your process seems to be invalid to serve as parent process for your event.

When you add a parent process to a calendar event, you can only select processes in the Parent Process dialog that meet the following conditions:
  • You are the owner or the assignee of the process.

  • The process occurs in the next 6 months: The start date can be in the past as long as it is in the last 6 months, or during the next 6 months. The due date is in the future 6 months or beyond.

  • The process is in status Open, On Hold, or In Process.

When you choose to start your event by parent process and you haven't yet added a parent process, you can only select processes in the Parent Process dialog that meet the following conditions:
  • You are the owner or the assignee of the process.

  • The process occurs in the next 6 months: The start date cannot be in the past, it is set to happen during the next 6 months. The due date is in the future 6 months or beyond.

  • The process is in status Open, On Hold, or In Process.