Copy and Paste Widgets from Stories to Analytic Applications

You can copy one or several supported stories widgets to an analytic application in the same browser page.


You can only copy widgets from a story to an analytic application, but not the other way around, from an analytic application to a story.

The places that you can copy widgets to can be the canvas, popup or widget container such as panel or tab. You can directly copy a chart or table widget from a story, or one from the Smart Insights panel or Examine panel to an analytic application.

After you've successfully copied, the state of the widgets, for example, the applied filters, hierarchy, ranking and sorting states will look exactly like that in story, and all relevant settings such as the data binding, necessary variables, styling settings and the other properties will be kept as well.


Some stories widgets and features that are not yet supported in analytic applications won’t be pasted to the target analytic application.

Other restrictions:

  • Story-level filters, panning or zooming won’t be copied to applications.

  • You can copy grouped widgets to applications. However, the grouping information won’t be copied.

  • Thresholds and colors assigned to tables or charts won't be copied to applications.

  • Data-cell-level comments will be copied to applications. However, widget-based comments won't.

  • Hyperlinks won’t be copied along with a widget if its type isn't external URL.

  • If a story’s dynamic text is referenced to other resources outside the copying scope, the dynamic text won't be copied.

  • If a widget applies filters that are outside the copying scope, its displayed information will be affected when copied to the application.


You can copy a widget either via Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V or the following steps:

  1. In the story, choose the widget or group of widgets you want to copy.
  2. In the (More Actions) menu beside the widget, select Copy.
  3. Directly exit the story, and go to the analytic application you want to copy the widget to.
  4. Choose the place where you want to copy the widget, for example, the canvas, popup or container.
  5. From the tool bar, select Start of the navigation path(Copy and Paste) Next navigation step PasteEnd of the navigation path.

    The widget will be pasted to the defined place.