User-managed Or System-managed

Date dimensions can be maintained both manually and automatically by the application.

Leaving the management to the application means that the dimensions values are generated from the parameters within the Dimension Settings panel in the Modeler, and in the model preferences. Conversely, maintaining the date dimension manually allows you to edit the master data and manage all dimension members freely.

You can edit the dimension parameters just like you would with a standard date dimension. However, managing dimension members manually unlocks hierarchy management, the ability to create additional properties, and editing properties within the dimension view.

If you’ve set the date dimension to user-managed, you can edit the predefined hierarchies that come with the time granularity that are applied to the dimension.
You cannot revert a date dimension back to system-managed after you've saved the model. Also, setting a date dimension to user-managed automatically locks all fiscal settings that are applied to the dimension. These settings are then no longer available in the Dimension Settings panel.