About Forecasting with Predictive Planning
Predictive planning is directly embedded in the Planning process to provide an integrated end-to-end experience.
About Predictive Planning
With Predictive planning, you can generate accurate forecasts on top of your actuals to accelerate your day-to-day planning activities.
You can keep predictive forecasts as is or can use them as a baseline for their predictive models.
Predictive scenarios (time series forecasting models) are created on top of planning models, up to 1000 predictive models at a given time.
Predictive forecasts are persisted into private versions and promoted as public versions to expose the forecasts to wider planner groups.
The data you provide to train your predictive models or apply to generate predictions can be organized using various formats based on the planning model. You can define how you want your predictive model to be trained and you can also generate forecasts per entity to get accurate business-oriented insights. The granularity of the predictive forecasts is determined by the aggregation level of the combined dimensions. For more information, please refer the topic Get Distinct Predictive Forecasts per Entities For your Planning Model.