Calculation Editor (Specifics for SAP BW)

There are specific issues you need to be aware of when you use the calculation editor in SAP Analytics Cloud with SAP BW live data connections.

You can use the calculation editor to create custom calculations such as aggregations, calculated or restricted measures, and so on. However, before creating calculations for SAP BW live data connections, you may need to make modifications or apply some SAP notes. The following sections list the special requirements for different calculation types.

Specific Considerations for Calculated Measures in SAP BW

In case you create a calculated measure based on measures with their sign reversed, the following behavior applies:

  • If the calculated measure is based on one single measure, sign reverse is inherited.

  • If the calculated measure is based on two or more measures and one of them is not reversed, sign reverse will be ignored.

Specific Considerations for Restricted Measures in SAP BW

The creation of a restricted measure on top of another restricted measure with the same dimension is not supported.

To use calculated measures or other calculations in your restricted measures in SAP BW, you need to apply the fix described in the following SAP Note.

SAP Note 2984958 Information published on SAP sitedesc: InA: Local selection (measure) not updated if dependent object changed

Specific Considerations for Calculating the Difference in SAP BW

Before creating a calculation to calculate the different between time periods in SAP BW, you need to apply the fix described in the following SAP Note.

SAP Note 2982652 Information published on SAP sitedesc: Dynamic selection using current member

Specific Considerations for Exception Aggregation in SAP BW

Aggregation types COUNTNULL and AVERAGENULL are not supported for SAP BW.

NULL values resulting from restricted measures are ignored in exception aggregation. The following example shows the exception aggregation restricted to group 1 and group 2 based on the product group:

Product Group Sales Sales (Restricted) Count on Sales (Restricted) Average on Sales (Restricted) COUNT excl. 0, NULL on Sales (Restricted) AVERAGE excl. 0, NULL on Sales (Restricted)
Group 1 100 100 1 100 1 100
Group 2 200 200 1 200 1 200
Group 3 300          
Totals 600 300 2 150 2 150
Group 1 100 100 1 100 1 100
Group 2 200 200 1 200 1 200
Group 3 300   1      
Totals 600 300 3 100 2 150