Change Content Owners

You can change the owner of a folder or file, such as a story, model and other analytics content, from the current owner to a different owner.

Who does this apply to?
  • Users with the Execute permission for Ownership of Content.

  • This permission is automatically applied to the following standard admin roles: BI Admin, Planning Professional Admin, and Predictive Admin.

Changing Content Owners


You can change the owner of a file or folder from one user to another user. For example, you can change the content ownership when the role for the user has changed or a user is still in the system, but has not yet been deleted. If you delete a user, you can transfer the content to a new owner on the Delete User dialog. For more information on deleting a user, see Modify Users.


Keep in mind that after the content owners changes, users who previously had access to the content (e.g., a folder and all its contents) may no longer have access to it. If this happens, share the content with those users.


  1. From the side navigation, choose (Files).
  2. Select the content you want to change the owner for.

    You can select multiple files and folders that have different current content owners.

  3. Choose (Change Owner).

    This action is not available for the Public folder, the Deleted Files view, or any content that does not have an owner.

  4. Select the new owner.

    Only one user can be selected as the new content owner. If the content is saved in a workspace, only members of the workspace can be selected as the new content owner.

  5. (Optional) To notify the current owner and new owner about the change, select the check box to send email notifications.

    If the user making the change is the current owner or the new owner, they will not receive an email notification.


The current content owner will be changed to the new owner and all permissions for the content that the current owner had are removed. If the send email notification check box is selected, the new content owner will receive an email notifying them that they are the new owner of the content. Also, if you change the ownership for multiple files and folders that have different content owners, all current content owners will receive an email notifying them that their content has a new owner.
If you change the ownership of a folder, only the owner of the folder is changed. The ownership of all content (subfolders and files) within the folder are not changed. For example, Folder A is owned by User 1 and multiple users have created and own content within the folder:
  • Folder A/Link 1 (Owner is User 2)
  • Folder A/Story 1 (Owner is User 3)
When the owner of Folder A is changed to User 5, the owners of the content within Folder A remain unchanged. To change the ownership of the folder contents to User 5, follow these steps for all content within the folder.