Transporting Your Content Through SAP Cloud Transport Management

Transport content packages across different landscapes by integrating SAP Analytics Cloud with SAP Cloud Transport Management system. This integration allows you to create insightful stories where the objects can seamlessly transport between landscapes. This involves:

  1. Configuration
  2. Transport Content Network Packages

Configuration from SAP Cloud Transport Management

  • As an administrator of SAP Cloud Transport Management, set up an environment to transport content objects directly in SAP Analytics Cloud, see Initial Setup to Transport Content Objects Directly in an Application.
  • Configure the landscape for your transports. i.e., creating transport destinations, creating transport nodes, creating transport routes, create a destination in SAP Business Technology Platform cockpit of the DEV subaccount of your cloud application that points to Cloud Transport Management. See Configure your Landscape. For an example scenario, see Sample Configuration Scenario: Transport of Content Archives directly in another Application.
  • Go to your SAP Business Technology Platform subaccount. Choose the SAP Cloud Transport Management instance of your choice. In the instance details page, choose Download to download the SAP Cloud Transport Management instance key.
  • Every target node should have a destination. To create transport destinations in your SAP BTP subaccount, see Configure your Landscape.
    • To integrate with SAP Analytics Cloud, Destination should have an endpoint URL in this format: https://<realm_ID>/api/v1/content/deploy
    • Add the additional property such as PLATFORM_TYPESand value as ACN_NEO only for Neo destinations.

Configuration from Content Network

  1. From the side navigation, choose SystemAdministration.
  2. In System Configuration panel, enable the Allow Download and Upload of Content Network Packages toggle (if not enabled by default).
  3. From the side navigation, choose TransportExport.
  4. Navigate to My Content in Content Network Storage tabl, from the menu bar, click Settings.
  5. In the Settings dialog box, click Upload JSON.
  6. Select the downloaded SAP Cloud Transport Management instance key file. On successful addition, you can see that the connection of your SAP Analytics Cloud tenant with the SAP Cloud Transport Management is now Live.
    • If the downloaded SAP Cloud Transport Management instance key file is corrupted/altered, the connection could not be made as the JSON validation check fails.
    • Suppose you have uploaded a JSON and the status becomes Disconnected. In such cases, you can reach out to SAP Cloud Transport Management support. For more information, see Monitoring and Troubleshooting.
  7. Click OK
    You can choose single or multiple packages while you are publishing to SAP Cloud Transport Management. You can't publish folder. Instead, you can choose packages inside the folder for the publish.

Transport Content Network Packages

  1. Select the Content Netwok package that you want to export.
  2. Click Upload to SAP Cloud Transport Management Node.

  3. In the Upload to SAP Cloud Transport Management Node dialog box, you can see the list of selected packages.
  4. In the Export Node dropdown, choose the source node of the SAP Cloud Transport Management that you want your packages to be exported/uploaded to. For more information on source and target nodes, see Create Transport Nodes.
  5. Click Upload. Your package is uploaded to the target node successfully.
  6. To verify your upload, log into SAP Cloud Transport Management tenant using your credentials.
  7. In the Transport Nodes panel, choose the target node for which you have uploaded the package to.
  8. In the Target Node Details page, you can see your package that is ready for the import.
  9. Select the package and click Import Selected.
  10. Once the import is completed, you can see the content of the package available in its corresponding destination in your SAP Analytics Cloud account.