Zooming in on a Chart

You can temporarily zoom in on one or more data points in a chart.


When you have a chart with a lot of data points, you may want to limit the focus to show only a few values at a time.


Zoom is not available for all chart types. For example, while you can select a few data points in a waterfall chart, you won't be able to zoom in on that data.


  1. Select your chart.
  2. Draw a rectangle that includes at least one data point.

    Examples of data points are the bars in a bar chart or the bubbles in a bubble chart.

  3. In the pop-up menu that appears, select (Zoom In).

    The selected data points are highlighted in the center of the chart. Also, the zoom out icon is added to the chart's subtitle.

  4. To view other data points, use the scroll bars to move through the rest of the data.

Next Steps

To zoom back out, select (Zoom Out) in the chart's subtitle.