Story and Page Filter (Specifics for SAP BW)
SAP BW features and usage restrictions that you need to be aware of when you use SAP Analytics Cloud story or page filters.
Dynamic filters that are defined in BW Query designer are not supported in SAP Analytics Cloud story or page filters.
Zero suppression query settings will always be disabled.
Use Range Filters for Non-Numeric Dimensions (Optimized Story Experience)
When you create story or page filters within your story, you can use Filter by Range on non-numeric dimensions.
Range filters are not supported for compounded dimensions.
Range filters are not supported for table local filters.
Calculated measures can't use a calculation input control that is based on a range filter.
For time dimensions, a dynamic time range is supported as long as there is at least one virtual hierarchy defined.
Restriction: Hierarchy Variables
Hierarchy variables shouldn't be used if your story contains story or page filters. The page filters don't change to match your hierarchy when you use the variable prompt to change your hierarchy values.
Restriction: Drilling on Unassigned Nodes
Drilling on an unassigned node doesn't return consistent results. If you drill on an unassigned node in your chart and save and close the story, when you reopen the story the saved data is not returned. To resolve this issue, deploy the following SAP Note to your SAP BW server:
SAP Note 3029060 desc: InA: Rest node initially not expanded if dimension is initially on free axis