Run Predictive Forecasts on Table Cells
When working with planning models in SAP Analytics Cloud, you can run predictive time series forecasts on your data within a table.
You will need planning rights and a planning license to run a predictive time series forecast. You'll also need access to a table with planning model data and a date dimension in the columns.
A predictive time-series forecast runs an algorithm on historical data to predict future values for a specific measure in a planning model. The forecasted values can be later used in the planning process. The prediction is only applied to the specific selected measure; however, booked data will be overwritten if you choose to run a forecast over a cell containing historical data. Other data in the version will not be impacted.
calculated measures
blended datasets
local currencies
on models with multiple time dimensions
in tables with locked cells
on measures with aggregation types Label or None
on time granularities less than monthly