Searching in Filters and Input Controls (Specifics for SAP BW)
Learn about specifics on SAP BW live data connections when searching in filters or input controls.
You can search in page filters and input controls using either the ID or the description. (See Search in Filters and Input Controls). However, SAP BW connections have some usage restrictions when searching.
The search feature may not work properly if you don't deploy the following SAP Notes to your SAP BW server first.
SAP Note 2795600
desc: ABAP BICS: API does not allow to define excluding selections in the flat member value help
SAP Note 2794525
desc: Source code changes as a prerequisite for other SAP Notes
SAP Note 2815926
desc: Allow maxrowcount / paging for CDS queries
SAP Note 2793958
desc: InA: MaxTupleCount in the value help response has a wrong value
SAP Note 2819533
desc: InA: additional fields in the value help response: Level, TupleCountTotal and ChildCount
SAP Note 2822334
desc: InA: additional fields in the value help response: Level, TupleCountTotal and ChildCount
SAP Note 2883357
desc: BICS: Read mode Q not available in selector read modes
SAP Note 2910522
desc: BW InA: F4 help with pattern filter and message BRAIN626
SAP Note 2912673
desc: ValueHelp returns incorrect results for search on “* *”
SAP Note 2919007
desc: InA F4 help: Wrong result using a pattern search that contains also “!”
SAP Note 2958734
desc: F4 help and hierarchy node filter on dimension <> F4 help dimension
SAP BW Search Restrictions
When using SAP BW models, there are some search restrictions.
You won't have the option to show only selected members in the input control. This is due to the restriction on processing requests when you have the same dimension used in more than one filter.
If searching when the description is displayed doesn't return the expected results, set the input control to display the ID instead and try searching again.
For same dimension cascading workflows, returned search results will be shown as active members. This is due to the restriction on processing requests when you have the same dimension used in more than one filter.
For filters with unbooked mode, when the search has a cascading filter, the returned search results will be shown as active members. Cascading filters are ignored due to a restriction on processing requests when using unbooked mode.
When a dimension that is used for model linking between two BW models is also used to create a filter, you won't be able to search for filter values in that filter in the following situations:
There are other filters defined in the linked model.
Filter cascade is turned on for all involved filters.
For compound dimensions, only the values from the leaf nodes can be searched.
ExampleIf you have a compound dimension member with ID 10034/F32K, the member will be found when searching for F32K, but not when searching for 10034. -
Exclude filters linked to BW may cause the queries to fail.