Best Practice: Filter Table and Chart Through Cascaded Filtering

As an application designer or story developer, learn how to let viewers filter on dimensions and then according to hierarchies (such as flat presentation and category) to display the data.


  • You've already added a table and a chart widget and placed them on top of each other.

  • To follow all functions of this sample use case, you've completed the exercise Best Practice: Switch Between Chart and Table and can now enhance your analytic application or optimized story.


You'd like to add two dropdowns, one for filtering on dimension and the other for filtering on hierarchy. The dropdown for the hierarchy filter changes according to the chosen dimension. There's always one consistent option for hierarchy, which is Flat Presentation, and there might be only this or more options depending on the chosen dimension. Viewers can add different filters by selecting from the dropdown lists.


  1. Add a dropdown widget, and place it above your table.
  2. Change the ID of the dropdown to Dropdown_Dimensions.
  3. Add another dropdown widget, and place it above the table next to the other dropdown. Leave some space in between the dropdowns so you can add labels to them later on.
  4. Change the ID of the dropdown to Dropdown_Hierarchies.
  5. Add the options to the first dropdown.
    1. Go to the Builder panel of Dropdown_Dimensions.
    2. Under Dropdown Value, add four values.
    3. Configure the four values:
      • For Value 1, enter Location_4nm2e04531 as the ID and Location as the text.

      • For Value 2, enter Product_3e315003an as the ID and Product as the text.

      • For Value 3, enter Store_3z2g5g06m4 as the ID and Store as the text.

      • For Value 4, enter Sales_Manager__5w3m5d06b5 as the ID and Sales Manager as the text.

    4. Select Location as default value.
  6. Add labels to distinguish the two dropdowns.
    1. Add a text widget, and place it to the left of Dropdown_Dimensions.
    2. Enter Dimension as the text.
    3. Change the ID of the text widget to Dropdown_Dimensions_Label.
    4. Add another text widget, and place it to the left of Dropdown_Hierarchies.
    5. Enter Hierarchies as the text.
    6. Change the ID of the text widget to Dropdown_Hierarchies_Label.
  7. Create a script variable.
    1. In the Scripting section of Outline, add a script variable
    2. In the Script Variable panel, change the name to CurrentDimension, and select string as the type.
    3. Enter Location_4nm2e04531 as the default value.
    4. Select Done to save the changes.
  8. In the Outline panel, hover over Dropdown_Hierarchies, and select . In the script editor, write the following script for the onSelect event of the dropdown:
    Sample Code
    var sel = Dropdown_Hierarchies.getSelectedKey(); 
    // set hierarchy for Table 
    Table.getDataSource().setHierarchy(CurrentDimension, sel); 
    // set hierarchy for Chart 
    Chart.getDataSource().setHierarchy(CurrentDimension, sel);

    This script gets the selected value of the dropdown list and accordingly sets the hierarchy of the table and the chart when the script variable CurrentDimension is referenced, so that the hierarchy dropdown displays the filtered options.

  9. In the Outline panel, hover over Dropdown_Dimensions, and select . In the script editor, write the following script for the onSelect event of the dropdown:
    Sample Code
    var sel  = Dropdown_Dimensions.getSelectedKey(); 
    // Table 
    Chart.removeDimension(CurrentDimension, Feed.CategoryAxis); 
    Chart.addDimension(sel, Feed.CategoryAxis); 
    // write filter information into the browser console 
    console.log( ['CurrentDimension: ', CurrentDimension ]); 
    console.log( ['Selection: ', sel ]); 
    // save the current selection (dimension) into a global variable 
    CurrentDimension = sel; 
    // get hierarchies from the current dimension 
    var hierarchies = Table.getDataSource().getHierarchies(CurrentDimension); 
    var flag = true; 
    // remove all current items form the Dropdown_Hierarchies 
    // loop  
    for (var i=0;i<hierarchies.length; i++){ 
     if (hierarchies[i].id === '__FLAT__') { 
     Dropdown_Hierarchies.addItem(hierarchies[i].id, 'Flat Presentation'); 
     else { 
     Dropdown_Hierarchies.addItem(hierarchies[i].id, hierarchies[i].description); 
      if (flag === true) { 
       var hierarchy = hierarchies[i].id; 
       flag = false; 
    // write hierarchy information to browser console 
    console.log( ['Hierarchy: ', hierarchy ]); 
    console.log( ['Current Dimension: ', CurrentDimension ]); 
    // set Flat Hierarchie als Default 
    // Table 
    Table.getDataSource().setHierarchy(CurrentDimension, '__FLAT__'); 
    // Chart 
    Chart.getDataSource().setHierarchy(CurrentDimension, '__FLAT__'); 

    This script gets the selected option from the dimension dropdown and saves it in a variable sel.

    • All the dimensions are removed from the table and chart and replaced with the selected dimension.

    • All the hierarchies are removed from the table and chart. The hierarchies available to the selected dimension are got from the data and loaded in the hierarchy dropdown list.

    • Flat Presentation is set as the default hierarchy.

  10. In the Outline panel, hover over Canvas (for analytic applications) or the relevant page (for optimized stories), and select Start of the navigation path Next navigation step onInitializationEnd of the navigation path. Write the following script:
    Sample Code
    // get hierarchies from the current dimension 
    var hierarchies = Table.getDataSource().getHierarchies(CurrentDimension); 
    var flag = true; 
    // loop  
    for (var i=0;i<hierarchies.length; i++){ 
     if (hierarchies[i].id === '__FLAT__') { 
     Dropdown_Hierarchies.addItem(hierarchi es[i].id, 'Flat Presentation'); 
     else { 
     Dropdown_Hierarchies.addItem(hierarchi es[i].id, hierarchies[i].description); 
      if (flag === true) { 
       var hierarchy = hierarchies[i].id; 
       flag = false; 
    // write hierarchy information to browser console 
    console.log( ['Hierarchy: ', hierarchy ]); 
    console.log( ['Current Dimension: ', CurrentDimension ]); 
    // set Flat Hierarchie als Default 
    Dropdown_Hierarchies.setSelectedKey('__FL AT__'); 
    Table.getDataSource().setHierarchy(CurrentDimension, '__FLAT__'); 
    Chart.getDataSource().setHierarchy(CurrentDimension, '__FLAT__');

    With this script, on initialization all the available hierarchies of the dimensions are loaded, and Flat Presentation is set as the default option of the hierarchy dropdown. The script is the same as a part of what happens when a dimension is chosen.

  11. Save the application or story, and open it in view time.


When you run the application or story, it looks like this:

If you keep the dimension Location and change the hierarchy to States, the table displays location in state hierarchy instead of flat presentation.

If you change the dimension to Product, and the hierarchy dropdown list changes accordingly. You can select Category, and products are displayed in categories.