Analyze System Performance

You can analyze your system performance using the Benchmark Tool and Analysis Tool, or viewing a variety of stories that provide statistics and analysis.

Measurement Tool

Measure your client’s score, as well as the latency and bandwidth to your SAP Analytics Cloud service.

This kind of test can test browser and client hardware configurations that exist at your company and provide insights into the impacts of running other software applications. For example, for many multinationals, hardware standards differ by geography or business unit. The test results may vary based on what is currently occurring within the client. Consistently poor numbers may indicate hardware issues/power settings whereas inconsistent results may indicate other software competing for client resources.

To access the tool, from the side navigation, choose Start of the navigation path System Next navigation step Performance Next navigation step  Measurement ToolEnd of the navigation path.


Don’t minimize or switch the browser tab during the test. Also be cautious when running a performance test on your mobile network. Downloading several hundred megabytes is possible, and any background download activities may influence the analysis.

Client Test Score

The client test runs several scripts on the local machine and calculates a normalized score. Using current best practices, the client score can be categorized as follows:
  • Excellent: Score >= 75
  • Good: Score >= 50 and <75
  • Poor: Score < 50

Bandwidth measures the megabits per second (Mbps) transferred from server to client when downloading and uploading data. A higher bandwidth number is better than a lower number.

To imporove your client score while keeping your existing hardware configuration, watch out for CPU instensive applications and processes that may have an negative impact on your SAP Analytics Cloud performance. For example:
  • Business video conferencing services
  • Virus scanning
  • Synchronizing shared network drives

Network Test Score

Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms). It describes the time it takes from the starting request until the response arrives. A good latency is a ping rate within a low milliseconds range.

The network score may be negatively affected by other applications consuming the bandwidth, various network configurations, or different nework issues. For example:
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
  • Firewalls
  • Coporate bandwidth
  • Internet bandwidth
  • Database performance (live data connections)
  • SAML IdP logon time

Additional Performance Statistics and Analysis Tools

Review performance metrics on connections, queries, models, and stories to identify bottlenecks and gain insights into processing of stories and analytic applications.

Who does this apply to?

  • Users with Manage permission for the Public Files privilege.
  • Admin and BI Admin standard application roles.

To access system performance tools, from the side navigation, choose Start of the navigation path System Next navigation step PerformanceEnd of the navigation path and select an option from the menu.

Analysis Tool

Opens the Performance Analysis Tool.

The Performance Analysis Tool can be used to analyze single user workflows and break down their total end-to-end runtime. The entry page gives you a fast overview of the workflow that you plan to analyze, how many widgets have been rendered by the actions in the workflow, and what layer the most time has been spent in. In the Widget Drilldown, you can identify problematic widgets and get details on the model used, plus the underlying connection. Runtimes are split into frontend, backend, and network time.

If you find a high backend time, you can try checking the query statistics for that specific widget. If you find a high frontend and network time, you can try using the Measurement Tool to do further analysis.

To learn how to use the tool to optimize your system, see Optimize System Performance with the Analysis Tool.

Statistics and Analysis

Opens the Performance Statistics and Analysis tool.

This tool helps to identify scenarios that have a high-performance impact in the connected backend system. For example, finding out that a broken query in the backend system is blocking processing resources in the same for other users querying that system.

For more information, see SAP Analytics Cloud Performance Statistics and Analysis.

Data Action Statistics and Analysis

Opens the Data Action Performance Statistics and Analysis tool.

This tool helps you to analyze the duration of each step in a Data Action. For more information, see SAP Analytics Cloud Data Action Performance Statistics and Analysis.

Data Management Job Statistics and Analysis

Opens the Data Management Job Statistics and Analysis tool.

For more information, see SAC Data Management Jobs Statistics and Analysis.

Private Versions Statistics and Analysis

Opens the Private Versions Statistics and Analysis tool.

For more information, see SAP Analytics Cloud Private Versions Statistics and Analysis.

Error Statistics and Analysis

Opens the Error Statistics and Analysis tool.

Query Analysis on Widgets

It can also be helpful for story creators to get immediate feedback about the performance of each individual widget. Query analysis for story widgets are accessible from the context menu of the widget under certain conditions.

This information can provide immediate feedback to the designer to help create more efficient stories. First, we show widgets that have a backend runtime of more than one second and show what has been reported by the backend system as potential factors that might contribute to that runtime.

Query analysis aims to provide additional support to the story designer and the query designer. Query analysis on the widget level should be used together with the other tools and approaches we are discussing.

For more information, see SAP Analytics Cloud – Backend Query Analysis.

Error Message Troubleshooting

Error Message: Resource Unavailable

When you try to open the Analysis Tool, Statistics and Analysis, or Data Action Statistics and Analysis, from the Start of the navigation path System Next navigation step PerformanceEnd of the navigation path menu, you receive the following error message:

This resource could not be loaded, because the original file could not be found.

Issue: The resource has been renamed and thus, cannot be accessed.

Resolution: Please adhere to the following naming conventions for the used resources that are originally located in the Start of the navigation path Files Next navigation step  System Next navigation step Common Next navigation step SAC ContentEnd of the navigation path folder:
  • Performance Analysis Tool
  • Performance Statistics and Analysis
  • Data Action Performance Statistics and Analysis