Work with Currencies in a Classic Account Model

Classic account models support several different scenarios for working with monetary data from different currencies.

Different features are available for models with measures, including multiple source currency measures, converting currencies in a data action step, and planning on multiple currency conversions. Refer to Work with Currencies in a Model with Measures for details.

If your model only contains data in a single currency, you can specify it as the default currency in the model preferences.

For multiple currencies, the following options are available:

  • Multiple currencies without conversion

    If your model has values in different currencies but you don't need to aggregate data across the different currencies, you can specify the dimension that identifies the different source currencies. For more information, see Set Up Model Preferences.

    The currency dimension lets you view different currencies side-by-side in a table and, for a planning model, make changes within each currency.

  • Multiple currencies with conversion

    For some models, you'll need to aggregate data across different currencies. If you have data from multiple currencies and you want to view or change values that include more than one currency, for example, overall sales for EMEA, then you can use currency conversion. Currency conversion lets you view your data in its source currency as well as converting it to one or more target currencies for aggregation. You can also simulate the effects of different exchange rate shifts.

    In addition to a currency dimension, models that use currency conversion also require a conversion table.

Enabling Currency Conversion

Follow these steps to enable currency conversion:
  • Ensure that your system contains a currency table with conversion rates for the different currencies, dates, categories, and rate versions in the model. For more information, see Learn About Currency Conversion Tables.
  • In the Modeler, enable and configure the currency column for the dimension that separates the data into different currencies. For example, this dimension could be an organization dimension, or a generic source currency dimension.
  • In the model preferences, enable currency conversion and specify settings for the default currency, currency dimension, and currency conversion table. For more information, see Set Up Model Preferences.
  • In the model's account dimension, each account member has to have Currency set for the Units & Currencies attribute (column). For more information, see Learn About Dimensions and Measures.

In tables in stories, you can choose which currencies to display. Monetary values are then converted and displayed according to the specified rates for the currencies you selected. For more information, see Displaying Currencies in Tables.