Applying a Chart Filter (Optimized Story Experience)

You can exclude non-relevant data points or filter data points to focus a chart on a specific set of data

You can filter a chart by selecting data points or members directly on the chart, or you can use the builder panel to choose members from a list or define a range (for date dimensions). The chart filters only apply to the data displayed in that chart.

You can also apply filters to all charts on a page, or all charts in a story. For more information, see Story and Page Filters.

If you add a dimension that contains a large number of members, a filter to restrict the number of members added to the chart may be automatically applied. If you apply your own filter to the chart, all automatically generated filters will be removed. You can manually remove an automatically generated filter using the (Cancel) icon beside the filter. You can also edit the filter and save modifications.

When applying a filter to a custom property of the account dimension, the filter does not work as expected. For example, calculated accounts and any accounts with child accounts that match the filter would be included. See SAP Note 2931452 Information published on SAP site for information about the usage restriction.


The following restrictions are known for tuple filtering with live connections for SAP BW, SAP BW/4HANA, SAP BPC embedded and SAP S/4HANA:

Tuple filters on multiple dimensions are supported, with the following considerations:

Prerequisite: See SAP Note 2715030 Information published on SAP site for information about supported versions.

  • Filters are created by selecting multiple data points in a widget (the created filters are read-only).
  • The “Exclude selected members” option isn't available because the BW back-end doesn't support the NOT operator.
  • BPC live connection models with planning enabled are not supported.

  • The Currency/Unit dimension cannot be filtered.
  • Blending is not supported.
  • Queries with two structures do not support tuple filters.

Filter and Exclude Data Points in a Chart

You can filter or exclude members by selecting data points directly on the chart.

When your chart axis has more than one dimension, the filter/exclude behavior is specific to the selected dimension member combination.

  1. Select the data points to exclude or filter.

    You can drag a box around a group of data points to select the group.
  2. Right-click and then select Filter or Exclude.

The chart is updated to either only show the specific data points (filter) or to hide them (exclude).

Filter and Exclude Members in a Chart

Instead of filtering on or excluding specific data points within your chart, you can create filters on specific dimension members.

When your chart axis has more than one dimension, the filter/exclude behavior is specific to the selected member (or members) from a single dimension.

  1. Select your chart.

  2. Select a dimension member, right-click and from the context menu choose either Filter Member or Exclude Member.

  3. To select several dimension members, use Ctrl + left-click for each dimension member, and then choose either Filter Members or Exclude Members.

Filter and Exclude Examples


For this example, we are using a bar chart with two dimensions.

For simplicity, the chart dimensions are displayed as table columns and neither the measures or data values are included.

Product Location
Alcohol Town A
Town B
Town C
Town D
Carbonated Drinks Town A
Town B
Town C
Town D
Juices Town A
Town B
Town C
Town D
Others Town A
Town B
Town C
Town D

The following table shows the difference between Filter/Filter Member and Exclude/Exclude Member options.

  • The action column lists the action and - where necessary - which member is selected for the action.

  • The result column shows what you would see in a bar chart with two dimensions.

For simplicity, the chart dimensions are displayed as table columns and neither the measures or data values are included.

Action Result Action Result


In the chart bar (table row) for the product “Alcohol”, right-click “Town D” and select Filter.

Only the selected product/location from the first bar (Alcohol/ Town D) is displayed.

  • Product: Alcohol

  • Location: Town D

Product Location
Alcohol Town D

Filter Member

In the chart bar (table row) for the product “Alcohol”, right-click “Town D” and select Filter Member.

All products are displayed with only one location (Town D) for each product.

  • Product: all products

  • Location: Town D

Product Location
Alcohol Town D
Carbonated Drinks Town D
Juices Town D
Others Town D


In the chart bar (table row) for the product “Alcohol”, right-click “Town B” and select Exclude.

Only the selected value (Town B) from the first bar (Alcohol) is excluded/hidden.

Product Location
Alcohol Town A
Town C
Town D
Carbonated Drinks Town A
Town B
Town C
Town D
Juices Town A
Town B
Town C
Town D
Others Town A
Town B
Town C
Town D

Exclude Member

In the chart bar (table row) for the product “Alcohol”, right-click “Town B” and select Exclude Member.

The selected value (Town B) is excluded/hidden from all products.

Product Location
Alcohol Town A
Town C
Town D
Carbonated Drinks Town A
Town C
Town D
Juices Town A
Town C
Town D
Others Town A
Town C
Town D

Filter Chart Members from the Builder Panel

You can use the Builder panel to filter data by choosing members from a list or by defining a range.

  1. Open the Right Side Panel.

  2. Select the Builder panel.

  3. In the Filters area, select Add Filters.

  4. Select or search for the dimension you'd like to filter.

    Some types of dimensions, for example date dimensions, can be filtered by choosing members or by defining a range. Those dimensions appear twice in the list, with (Member) and (Range) suffixes.

    Viewers can reset any changes that they made to filters and input controls to get the original view of the story by selecting (Reset Story) on the story toolbar.
    Filter options Description

    Choosing members: select members from the Available Members list.

    The members you choose appear in the Selected Members list on the right.

    You can use the Search function to find the members you want.

    Defining a range: select a Dynamic or Fixed range type.

    Date ranges can be fixed or dynamic; for example, you could choose the fixed range January 2019 to December 2019. If this story is opened in 2020, the story will still show 2019 data. Dynamic date ranges shift based on the current date. They also offer a few more granularities, such as current year, current quarter, and current month, as well as ranges that are offset from the current date.

    If the time dimension is added to the chart, you can also select the (Filter) icon next to it in the Builder panel to choose from preset dynamic filters such as Current Month or Current & Next Quarter To Date.

    For more information, see Story and Page Filters.

    Allowing modifications: select Allow viewers to modify selections.

    If you allow viewers to modify filter selections, they can either toggle on and off each filter value (with the Multiple Selection option), or select a single filter value (with the Single Selection option).

    Changing drill levels for date range filters: select Unrestricted Drilling.

    Unrestricted drilling lets you drill to any level in the hierarchy, no matter what the filter or date granularity is set to.

    The Unrestricted Drilling option is only available for date range filters in charts and tables.
  5. Select OK to create the filter.