Best Practice: Filter Table and Chart Through Checkboxes (Multi-Selections)

As an application designer or story developer, learn how let viewers to filter on a table or a chart by selecting multiple measures from a checkbox group.


  • You've already added a table and a chart widget and placed them on top of each other.

  • To follow all functions of this sample use case, you've completed the exercise Best Practice: Switch Between Chart and Table and can now enhance your analytic application or optimized story.


Compared to the dropdown widget, the checkbox group widget allows for multiple selections. In this use case, you add a checkbox group widget, which lists all the measures of your data source and acts as measure filters. On top of that, you add three buttons:
  • Button set selected, which filters on the table and chart according to the selected measures from the checkbox group

  • Button remove all, which removes all the selected measures and saves from deselecting them one by one in the checkbox group

  • Button set all, which applies all the available measures to the table and chart and saves from selecting them one by one in the checkbox group


  1. Add a checkbox group, and place it on the left side of your table.
  2. Change the name of the checkbox group to CheckboxGroup_Measures.
  3. In the Builder panel of the checkbox group, select Value 1 and then (Delete) to remove it. Remove Value 2 in the same way.
  4. Add a label to the checkbox group to indicate to viewers that they can select measures through the checkboxes.
    1. Insert a text widget.
    2. Place the text widget on top of the checkbox group.
    3. Enter a text, Measures, for example.
    4. Optional: Resize the text widget.
  5. For easy access to the checkbox group's measures, add the three buttons mentioned earlier:
    1. Insert three buttons and place them beneath the label.
    2. In the Styling panel of the first button, enter Button_setMeasureFilter as name and set selected as text.
    3. In the Styling panel of the second button, enter Button_removeAllMeasures as name and remove all as text.
    4. In the Styling panel of the third button, enter Button_setAllMeasures as name and set all as text.
  6. To access the values that viewers select in the checkbox group, create two script variables, which act as global variables and can be accessed from anywhere in your application or story:
    • The first script variable AllMeasures is set as an array and holds all the measures that viewers can select in the checkbox group.

    • The second script variable CurrentMeasureFilterSelection is set as a string and holds the measures that viewers have selected in the checkbox group.

    1. From Scripting in Outline, add a script variable.
    2. In the Script Variable panel, enter AllMeasures as name, leave type as string, and switch on Set As Array.
    3. To close the Script Variable panel, select Done.
    4. Repeat the steps to create a second script variable. Enter CurrentMeasureFilterSelection as name, leave type as string, and switch on Set As Array.
  7. To define what happens when viewers select a filter value in the checkbox group, create a script object. In this object, write a function that sets the measure filter according to what viewers have chosen from the checkbox group.
    1. From Scripting in Outline, add a script object.
    2. To rename the folder, hover over ScriptObject_1, and select Start of the navigation path More Next navigation step RenameEnd of the navigation path. Enter Utils.
    3. To rename the function, hover over function1, and select Start of the navigation path More Next navigation step RenameEnd of the navigation path. Enter setMeasureFilter.
    4. Select the function setMeasureFilter, and when the Script Function panel opens, choose (Add Argument) in the Arguments section.
    5. Enter selectedIds as name of the argument, leave type as string, switch on Set As Array. Choose Done twice to close the panels.
    6. To write the script for the function setMeasureFilter, hover over it in Outline, and choose (Edit Scripts). Enter the following script in the script editor:
      Sample Code
      // remove Measures
      if (CurrentMeasureFilterSelection !==  [""]) {	
      	for (var i=0;i<CurrentMeasureFilterSelection.length; i++){	
      		Chart.removeMeasure(CurrentMeasureFilterSelection[i], Feed.ValueAxis);
       // add Measures
      for (i=0;i<selectedIds.length; i++){	
      		Chart.addMeasure(selectedIds[i], Feed.ValueAxis);
      // save the current selection into global variable
      CurrentMeasureFilterSelection = selectedIds;

      With this script you define what happens to the table and the chart when viewers select filter values in the checkbox group:

      • The set measures of the table and chart are removed.

      • The values selected in the checkbox group are added as new measures of the table and chart.

      • The currently selected measures are saved in the script variable CurrentMeasureFilterSelection.

  8. Define what happens when viewers click on the buttons.
    1. Hover over the set selected button in Outline, select , and enter the following script in the script editor:
      Sample Code

      The script calls the Utils.setMeasureFilter function and passes to it the selected measures of the checkbox group.

    2. Hover over the remove all button in Outline, select , and enter the following script in the script editor:
      Sample Code

      The script removes all the selected measures from the checkbox group and passes an empty array to Utils.setMeasureFilter, which updates your table and chart as well as your global variable CurrentMeasureFilterSelection.

    3. Hover over the set all button in Outline, select , and enter the following script in the script editor:
      Sample Code

      The script sets the selected keys of the checkbox group to the AllMeasures script variable you defined before and passes the same variable to the Utils.setMeasureFilter function.

  9. Define what happens when the application or story is first run.
    1. In Outline hover over Canvas (for analytic applications) or the relevant page (for optimized stories), select Start of the navigation path (Edit Scripts) Next navigation step onInitializationEnd of the navigation path.
    2. Enter the following script in the script editor:
      Sample Code
      // get all measures from the table data source
      var measures = Table.getDataSource().getMeasures();
      // define array or the selected Keys
      var selectedKeys = ArrayUtils.create(Type.string);
      if (measures.length > 0) {
       	for (var i=0;i<measures.length; i++){	
              // add the Measure to checkbox group
      		//add the measure to the selectedKeys
      		console.log(["CurrentMeasure ", measures]);	
      console.log(["selectedKey ", selectedKeys]);
      AllMeasures = selectedKeys;

      With this script, you make sure that on initialization, all the available measures of the table's data source are loaded. You define a selected keys array of type string and, using a loop, you add the measures to your checkbox group and the selected keys array. You also call on the setSelectedKeys function of the checkbox group and set its selected keys to your array. Finally, you set the script variable AllMeasures and the measure filter to the selected keys.

  10. Save the application or story, and open it in view time.


When you run the application or story, it looks like this:

If you click on the remove all button, all measures are deselected, and there's no data on the table.

If you click on the set all button, all measures are selected and the table looks the same as when you first ran the application or story.

Let's select a few measures, Gross Margin Plan, Quantity Sold, Original Sales Price abs Dev, and Discount, in the checkbox group and click on the set selected button. The table is updated accordingly.

The same applies to the chart after you click on .