Time-Based Variances (Specifics for SAP BW)
You can create a time-based variance in a chart that uses data from SAP BW live data sources, but there are some restrictions.
Before you can create your time-based variance, you need to make sure that your SAP BW live data source has a time hierarchy defined. You will also need to be aware of the following guidelines and usage restrictions:
Your time hierarchy must have day level granularity. (You won't be able to use Year-Quarter-Month, or Year-Month (YQM or YM) in your variances.)
Tuple filters are not supported.
A single value range filter must have the full range, not a partial range.
For example, if your selected date range is 2003-2004, but December 2003 is missing, that would be a partial range.
When changing hierarchy levels, you can't use Include Parent Level.
Time variance supports having a story/page/group filter and a chart filter defined on the time dimension at the same time.
Time variance can include values outside of the data filter for story/page/group filters on the time dimension.
For example, filtering on {2003,2004,2005} will give you previous year variance data for 2003 (equivalent to 2003-2002) even though 2002 is not in the original filter of {2003,2004,2005}.
Only one time dimension is allowed. Time variance on a time dimension is only supported if no other different time dimensions are used in the chart (axis, filter, or other variances).
Time variance is not supported when a time dimension filter contains a member with lower granularity than the displayed drill, except in the following situations:
Chart member filter – the filter is always supported.
Chart/story/page/group range filter – the filter is supported if it can be expressed only using filter members at the displayed drill granularity.
Time variances are not supported on any story-created calculations or SAP BW measures that are not selection candidates (candidates are determined by the measure definition in the BW model).
Time variances are not supported in blending
To learn how to add a time-based variance to your chart, see Adding Time-Based Variances to Charts