Live Data Connection to SAP HANA 2.0 on BTP Cloud Foundry

You can create a live data connection to an SAP HANA 2.0 system that is operating on an SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) system that uses a Cloud Foundry (CF) environment. To access SAP HANA HDI containers on an BTP system that is running a Cloud Foundry (CF) environment, you can create a live data connection using the SAP HANA Analytics Adapter for Cloud Foundry.

Who does this apply to?
  • Users with any of these permissions for Connections: Create, Read, Update, Delete, and Maintain.
  • Users with Execute permission for Other Data Sources.
  • Users with any of these standard application roles: Admin, Application Creator, BI Content Creator, BI Admin, and Planner Reporter.
  • Setting up a live connection requires working with the SAP Analytics Cloud system owner and different IT and application stakeholders within your organization. Most configuration steps are done on your SAP HANA server before creating the connection in your SAP Analytics Cloud tenant.


  • SAP HANA 2.0 must be installed on an SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) system that uses a Cloud Foundry (CF) environment.
  • A SAML 2 Identity Provider (IdP) must be configured. Both the SAP BTP and SAP Analytics Cloud must use the same IDP.

    For how to set up SAML 2.0 on SAP BTP, see Trust and Federation with SAML 2.0 Identity Providers.

    For how to set up SAML in SAP Analytics Cloud, see Enable a Custom SAML Identity Provider.

  • You must have enough quota for the SAP HANA service and applications.
  • You must be assigned an Organization Manager role in your SAP BTP subaccount.
  • If using HDI containers, you must have HDI containers available on your SAP BTP system. For more information, see Set Up an HDI Container.
The SAP BTP geo map feature is not currently supported for this connection type.
If using HDI containers, skip the steps marked Without HDI.

(Without HDI) Install the SAP HANA Service


  1. In the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Cockpit, go to Subaccounts.
    You can either create a New Subaccount to use with your connection, or choose an existing subaccount.
  2. Go to Entitlements, and under SAP HANA, find the subaccount and increase the counter in the enterprise column to 1.
  3. Return to the Subaccounts area and open the overview for the subaccount that you have assigned.

    Under Quota, the SAP HANA Service should appear.

  4. Go to Start of the navigation pathSpaces Next navigation step Services Next navigation step Service MarketplaceEnd of the navigation path and select the SAP HANA Service.
  5. Go to the Instances menu and click New Instance.
  6. In the wizard that appears, select your service plan depending on your subscription.
  7. In the Parameter section, provide your SYSTEM user password.
  8. Select the size of your SAP HANA instance.

    Instances are divided into 16GB blocks and use a minimum two blocks. You can select a SAP HANA instance up to 2TB in size.

  9. Choose if you want to allow the SAP HANA service to be available on the Internet or only to a specific IP Address.
  10. (Optional) Bind any existing applications to the SAP HANA service.
  11. In the Confirm screen, provide a name for your SAP HANA instance.
  12. Click Finish.

    The instance will be created and its status will be updated in the SAP BTP Cockpit in a few minutes.

(Without HDI) Get your SAP HANA database information


  1. Open your instance dashboard and log in with your SAP BTP login credentials.
  2. Make note of the database endpoint.
    You will need this endpoint when connecting to this database.
  3. Go to the SAP HANA Cockpit, and in the Overall Database Status tile, note your tenant database name and instance number.

(Without HDI) Connect Eclipse to your SAP HANA Service


  1. Under Systems, select Add System.
  2. In the Host Name, provide the database endpoint from the preceding section Get your SAP HANA database information.
    Enter the endpoint without the port.
  3. Add the Instance Number.
  4. Select Multiple Containers.
  5. Enter the database name.
    The database name should follow the following format: <HANA Tenant Database Name>: <Port>.
  6. Add a Description and select a Locale.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Provide your SAP HANA user credentials and select Connect using SSL.
    This will connect you to the SAP HANA service and you will be able to view the catalog objects within Eclipse.

Install and configure tools


  1. Download and install the Cloud Foundry CLI.
  2. Download and install the Cloud Foundry CLI MTA.
    Install the plugin using the command:
    cf install-plugin mta-plugin-windows.exe -f
  3. Download and install Oracle JDK 8 or SAP JDK 8.
    To verify that the JDK is ready, check the version of the JDK you have installed. For example:
    javac -version
  4. Download and install Apache Maven.
    To verify that Maven is ready, check the version of Maven you have installed. For example:
    mvn --version
  5. Download and install Node.js.
    To verify that Node is ready, check the version of Node you have installed. For example:
    node --version
    Also verify that npm (Node Package Manager) is installed with Node. For example:
    npm --version
  6. Set npm for the sap registry modules with the command:
    npm config set @sap:registry

Deploy the analytics adapter for SAP HANA


  1. Create a local folder. For example: c:\haa.
    This directory is referred to as <HAA_ROOT> in the following steps.
  2. Download or clone the analytics adapter (HAA) project from SAP GitHub.
  3. Unzip the file in the <HAA_ROOT>.

(Using HDI only) Build and deploy the analytics adapter


  1. Start a command prompt window.
  2. Build the mta file with the command:
    mbt build -p=cf

    This command will generate a new file named <HAA_ROOT>.mtar.

  3. In the SAP BTP Cockpit, in your subaccount overview, find the CF API endpoint.
  4. In the command prompt, set the CLI variable using the command:
    cf api <api-endpoint>
  5. Log on to CF using the command:
    cf login
  6. Deploy the mta to CF with the command:
    cf deploy <HAA_ROOT>.mtar

    After deployment, two new services and three new applications should appear in the SAP BTP Cockpit.

  7. To authenticate with a named user, set USE_NAMED_USER=true.

(Without HDI) Build and deploy the analytics adapter


  1. Download or clone the mta from SAP GitHub.
  2. Start a command prompt window.
  3. Build the mta file with the command:
    mbt build -p=cf

    This command will generate a new file named <HAA_ROOT>.mtar.

  4. Extract java-xsahaa.war to <HAA_ROOT>/haa-java/<Target_Directory>.
    Replace <Target_Directory> with the target directory you created in step 3.
  5. Edit mta.yaml with the following:
    ID: haa
    	_schema-version: '2.0'
    	version: 0.0.1
    	- name: haa-java
    	   type: java
    	   path: haa-java
    	     memory: 1024M
    	     buildpack: sap_java_buildpack
    	     TARGET_RUNTIME: tomee7
    	     JBP_CONFIG_RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION: "['tomee7/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/resources.xml': {'xsahaa-hdi-container':'db-connector'}]"
    	     USE_NAMED_USER: true
    	    - name: haa-java
    	        url: ${default-url}
    	    - name: haa-uaa
    	    - name: db-connector
    	- name: haa
    	   type: nodejs
    	   path: haa-entry
    	     memory: 512M
    	     buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
    	    - name: haa-uaa
    	    - name: haa-java
    	      group: destinations
    	        name: haa-java
    	        url: ~{url}
    	        forwardAuthToken: true
    	        timeout: 600000
    	     CORS: '[{"uriPattern": "^/sap/bc/ina/(.*)$", "allowedOrigin": [{"host":"<sac-host>", "protocol":"https"}], "allowedMethods": ["GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"], "allowedHeaders": ["Origin", "Accept", "X-Requested-With", "Content-Type", "Access-Control-Request-Method", "Access-Control-Request-Headers", "Authorization", "X-Sap-Cid", "X-Csrf-Token"], "exposeHeaders": ["Accept", "Authorization", "X-Requested-With", "X-Sap-Cid", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "X-Csrf-Token", "Content-Type"]}]'
    	     TENANT_HOST_PATTERN: '^(.*)-<space>-haa.cfapps.(.*)'
    	- name: haa-uaa
    	      path: ./xs-security.json
    	- name: db-connector
       type: org.cloudfoundry.user-provided-service
            url: "jdbc:sap://<jdbc_server>:<jdbc_port>?encrypt=true&validateCertificate=false"
    You can find your JDBC server name and port on your SAP HANA Service Dashboard, under the Direct SQL Connectivity endpoint.
  6. In the SAP BTP Cockpit, in your subaccount overview, find the CF API endpoint.
  7. In the command prompt, set the CLI variable using the command:
    cf api <api-endpoint>
  8. Log on to CF using the command:
    cf login
  9. Deploy the mta to CF with the command:
    cf deploy haa.mtar

    After deployment, two new services and three new applications should appear in the SAP BTP Cockpit.

Grant permissions and set up roles


  1. Select the haa-java application, click Service Binding, and select the HDI service.
  2. Click Show Sensitive Data, locate the hdi_user, and copy the user ID.
  3. In the SAP BTP Cockpit, access the SQL Console and run the command:
    grant select on schema _sys_bi to <db_user>;

    Replace <db_user> with the HDI user ID you copied in the previous step.

  4. Go to the subaccount and click Role Collections.
  5. Create new role collection with the name SACToHAA.
  6. Select SACToHAA, click Add Role and select SalesApp_User from the list.

Set up trust between XSUAA and the SAP HANA database container


Follow the instructions in SAP Note 2470084.
In solution b), no trust has been established between XSUAA and the HANA Database, under b) SAP BTP, complete steps 1, 2, and 3.

Set up the IdP


  1. In the SAP BTP Cockpit, under Start of the navigation pathSecurity Next navigation step Trust ConfigurationEnd of the navigation path, set the default IDP as inactive.
    This ensures you won't be prompted during a data refresh.
  2. Under Custom, select the name of the Active trust configuration.
  3. Click Role Collection Assignment, and assign the SACToHAA role collection to the user ID for your SAML IdP.

Map SAP HANA users to external SAML IdP users


  1. In the SAP HANA Cockpit, select Manage users.
  2. Create a new user and give it the user ID you used in the previous task.
  3. Scroll through the authentication area, check the JWT box.
  4. Click Add JWT Identity.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Authorization Mode area for the new user, click Assign Roles.
  7. Click Start of the navigation pathEdit Next navigation step AddEnd of the navigation path.
  8. Search for the access_role and the external_privileges_role defined in your HDI schema.
  9. In the Authorization Mode area for the new user, click Assign Privileges.
  10. Click Object Privileges, then Edit, and add two new objects: EXECUTE_MDS and _SYS_BI.
    If your HAA version is earlier than 1.5.2, add EXECUTE_MDS_DEV instead of EXECUTE_MDS.

Add a remote system to SAP Analytics Cloud


  1. From the side navigation, choose Start of the navigation path Connections Next navigation step  (Add Connection)End of the navigation path.
    The Select a data source dialog will appear.
  2. Expand Connect to Live Data and select SAP HANA.
  3. In the dialog, enter a name and description for your connection.
    The connection name cannot be changed later.
  4. Set the connection type to Direct.
  5. Add your SAP HANA host name, and 443 as the port.
    The host should be the haa application route. You can find this information in the SAP BTP Cockpit on the Application: haa – Overview page.
  6. (Optional) Choose a Default Language from the list.
    This language will always be used for this connection and cannot be changed by users without administrator privileges.
    You must know which languages are installed on your SAP HANA system before adding a language code. If the language code you enter is invalid, SAP Analytics Cloud will default to the language specified by your system metadata.
  7. Under Authentication Method, select SAML Single Sign On.
  8. Select OK.
    After creating a connection to a remote system and before creating a model from a remote system, you must log off and log on to SAP Analytics Cloud again.
    Select the Enable users to schedule for story publishing option if you want to let your users schedule the publishing of stories. For details on scheduling, see Schedule a Publication.