Augmented Analytics (Smart Features)

Augmented Analytics comprises a set of SAP Analytics Cloud features that enhance the analytics process using machine learning.

The Augmented Analytics features include Smart Insights, Search to Insight, Smart Discovery, and Smart Predict.

  • Smart Insights is not supported for the following models:

    • Models that use a Fiscal Year setting (setting is available in both classic and new models).

    • Models with user-managed Time dimensions (dimension type is only available in new models).

    • Models with Date dimensions that use week-based patterns.

  • Smart Insights is not supported for dimensions that support week granularity and/or week patterns to show users how data points change over time.

  • Search to Insight will ignore models containing user-managed dimensions, or dimensions that support week granularity and/or week patterns.

For more information on non-standard date dimensions, see Customize Date Dimensions.